Vote High Dials “Coolest of 2011”

Hey High Dials fans, do some good this holiday season and vote “Teenage Love Made Me Insane” Coolest Song of the Year on Little Steven’s Underground Garage!

The lead track from the Dials’ latest LP has been nominated as best song of the year (!) and now the band needs your help to make it the winner.

All nominated songs are posted HERE. Voting begins today and ends on December 23rd. You can vote multiple times (once every 24 hours), so be sure to vote often!

With each vote, you can enter the draw to win a trip to The Hard Rock Café in San Diego, California. The contest winner will receive: airfare for two to San Diego, a 4-day/3-night stay at The Hard Rock, and 500 resort dollars. Just follow the contest banner after voting.

The winner will be announced on January 2nd during Kid Leo’s show on Sirius XM-21 (4-7pm).

Teenage Love Made Me Insane by The High Dials